Ongoing operations are estimated to provide almost $8.1 billion in GDP per annum and 12,000 FTE jobs in Canada Total economic footprint of the AP1000 Project operations in Canada (average annual impact, undiscounted) On an annual average basis, GDP Impact ($M) Jobs (FTE) Labour Income ($M) Tax Revenue ($M) operating the AP1000 Project is estimated to contribute almost $8.1 billion to GDP in Canada and approximately 12,000 jobs. During a minimum operating period of 60 years of the $8,090 11,870 $1,720 $2,010 AP1000 Project, the cumulative undiscounted economic footprint is estimated to be Employment GDP (US$M) $485.3 billion in GDP, 712k Labour Income ($M) Tax Revenue ($M) person-years of employment, $103.3 billion in labour income $650 1,600 $240 $310 $290 2,720 and $120.6 billion in total taxes in Canada, when taking into $1,890 $410 account direct, indirect, and induced effects. Extended $1,360 $5,560 operation would increase these 7,550 $1,130 impacts. Economic Footprint Legend Direct Impact Indirect Impact Induced Impact Source: PwC analysis Figures may not sum due to rounding 7 PwC | The Economic Impact of a Westinghouse AP1000 Reactor Project in Canada