The Westinghouse AP1000 Project could support $28.7 billion in GDP and over 125,000 person-years of employment across Canada during the installation of approximately 4,800 MW of added nuclear capacity Total economic footprint of AP1000 Project manufacturing, engineering and installation in Canada, cumulative impact 2025-2040 (undiscounted) GDP Impact ($M) Jobs (FTE), Labour Income ($M) Tax Revenue ($M) person-years Westinghouse’s AP1000 Project is estimated to support an economic footprint of $28.7 billion over the 16 year manufacturing, engineering $28,710 126,560 $15,690 $7,100 and installation phase. The 126,560 person-years of employment over this period, Employment GDP ($M) Labour Income ($M) Tax Revenue ($M) on average equates to an annual workforce of 7,910 Full $2,960 Time Equivalent (FTE) roles. $6,160 30,550 $2,300 51,300 $14,430 $3,180 $7,420 $5,320 $8,120 44,720 $1,630 Economic Footprint Legend Direct Impact Indirect Impact Induced Impact Source: PwC analysis Figures may not sum due to rounding 6 PwC | The Economic Impact of a Westinghouse AP1000 Reactor Project in Canada