Nuclear Plant Journal, March-April 2019 37 Site plan for single eVinci in a fi xed installation– planned for 0.6 acres. ©2019 ttXXXUSJUPPMDPN Through experience, advanced design and quality manufacturing we consistently deliver innovative, cost-effective and dependable project solutions. Trusted Custom Equipment and Specialized On-Site Machining Services for Nuclear t$VTUPN&RVJQNFOU%FTJHO.BOVGBDUVSJOH t0O4JUF.BDIJOJOHBOE8FMEJOH4FSWJDFT t6SHFOU&RVJQNFOUBOE8PSLGPSDF3FTQPOTF t4QFDJBMJ[FE1PSUBCMF.BDIJOF5PPM3FOUBMT Tri T ool Services specia l izes in toug h m ac h ining operations such as this hybrid Axial/ Radial , FME controlled , blue - line millin g o f a f eedwater heater window. Later in 2018, the U.S. DOE’s Advanced Research and Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), separately awarded Westinghouse and its partners a $7.8 million project under the Modeling- Enhanced Innovations Trailblazing Nuclear Energy Reinvigoration (MEITNER) program. This project is to develop a self-regulating solid core block that employs solid materials to inherently self-regulate the reaction rate in a nuclear reactor, focusing on key high- risk technologies, such as heat pipes, moderator, fabrication, instrumentation and control and factory design. In addition, as part of this project, a separate resource team was funded nearly $1 million to utilize the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program capability in coupled modeling and simulation tools to demonstrate the solid core block’s self-regulating ability. This program will also utilize the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) facility at INL to perform accelerated irradiation testing. Another complementary ARPA-E fund, called OPEN, of $3.5 million was awarded, with LANL as the lead, to investigate alternate monolith and core designs. Most recently, the U.S. DOE, under the First-of-a-Kind Nuclear Demonstration Readiness Project pathway, awarded Westinghouse and its team $12.9 million to accelerate the design, analysis and licensing of an eVinci nuclear demonstration unit that will be ready for construction and testing by 2023. With the self-regulating core and other inherent and passive safety features, Westinghouse anticipates that the eVinci micro reactor design will be one of the safest and most reliable nuclear reactor designs to become available. Contact: Donna Ruff, Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC, telephone: (412) 374- 4705, email: [email protected].
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