Appendix A: Limitations Receipt of new data or facts: PwC reserves the right at its discretion to withdraw or revise this report should we receive additional data or be made aware of facts existing at the date of the report that were not known to us when we prepared this report. The findings are as of February 2024 and PwC is under no obligation to advise any person of any change or matter brought to its attention after such a date that would affect the findings. Reliance on data from Westinghouse Electric Company: PwC’s analysis relies on information provided by Westinghouse Electric Company such as that relating to the construction and operation of the AP1000 Project. PwC has not audited or otherwise verified the information supplied to us. Input-output analysis: Input-output analysis (a model used to estimate GDP and employment impact) does not address whether the inputs have been used in the most productive manner or whether the use of these inputs in this industry promotes economic growth by more than their use in another industry or economic activity. Nor does input-output analysis evaluate whether these inputs might be employed elsewhere in the economy if they were not employed in this industry at the time of the analysis. Input-output analysis estimates the direct, indirect and induced economic impacts that can reasonably be expected to affect the economy based on historical relationships within the economy. Use limitations: This report has been prepared solely for the use and benefit of, and pursuant to a client relationship exclusively with Westinghouse Electric Company. We understand that Westinghouse Electric Company may share this report with third parties. Westinghouse Electric Company can release this report to third parties only in its entirety and any commentary or interpretation in relation to this report that Westinghouse Electric Company intends to release to the public either requires PwC’s written consent or has to be clearly identified as Westinghouse Electric Company’s own interpretation of the report or Westinghouse Electric Company is required to provide a link to the full report. PwC accepts no duty of care, obligation or liability, if any, suffered by Westinghouse Electric Company or any third party as a result of an interpretation made by Westinghouse Electric Company of this report. Further, no other person or entity shall place any reliance upon the accuracy or completeness of the statements made herein. In no event shall PwC have any liability for damages, costs or losses suffered by reason of any reliance upon the contents of this report by any person other than Westinghouse Electric Company. This report and related analysis must be considered as a whole: Selecting only portions of the analysis or the factors considered by us, without considering all factors and analysis together, could create a misleading view of the findings. The preparation of this analysis is a complex process and is not necessarily susceptible to partial analysis or summary description. Any attempt to do so could lead to undue emphasis on any particular factor or analysis. We note that significant deviations from the above listed major assumptions may result in a significant change to this analysis. 28