Our approach to assessing the impact of Westinghouse’s AP1000 Project involved a five step process Conducted background research on the nuclear power landscape in Ontario, Understanding and assessment of Canada. the current situation in Canada Collected quantitative and qualitative data on expenditures related to the proposed Collecting data from investment and broader impacts of the AP1000 Project. Westinghouse Collecting data from Collected industry benchmarks and other relevant secondary data. secondary sources Used PwC’s Input-output model to estimate the impact of spending associated with 1 the AP1000 Project on jobs, GDP, labour income, and tax revenue. Economic footprint analysis Assessed and contextualized the broader impacts of Westinghouse’s AP1000 Assessment of broader Project in Canada. economic impacts 1 The model employs the Supply Use Tables from Statistics Canada for its calculations. PwC | The Economic Impact of a Westinghouse AP1000 Reactor Project in Canada 13