The Westinghouse AP1000 Project could create a GDP impact of over $28.7 billion in Canada through manufacturing, engineering and installation US$32.64 Cumulative economic footprint of manufacturing, engineering and installation phase in Canada, 2025-2040, undiscounted, $ millions billion in total spending The table presents cumulative Direct Indirect Induced Total economic footprint calculations over the 16 year manufacturing, GDP $14,430 $8,120 $6,160 $28,710 engineering and installation period. Employment (FTE), person-years 51,300 44,720 30,550 126,560 Cumulatively, we estimate that the AP1000 Project would contribute Labour income $7,420 $5,320 $2,960 $15,690 $28.7 billion to GDP, 126.6k person-years of employment, $15.7 Federal taxes $3,480 billion in labour income and $7.1 Provincial taxes $2,780 billion in total taxes in Canada, when taking into account direct, Municipal taxes $850 indirect, and induced effects. Annually, on average, this equates Total taxes $3,180 $1,630 $2,300 $7,100 to $1,790 million in GDP, 7,910 jobs, $980 million in labour income and $440 million in total taxes over the 16 year manufacturing and installation period. Source: PwC analysis Due to rounding, total impact value may not equal the sum of direct, indirect and induced footprints PwC | The Economic Impact of a Westinghouse AP1000 Reactor Project in Canada 16